Co-financed by the European Union from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund. Sufinancirano sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za pomorstvo i ribarstvo.

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The Queen of Oysters

Mali Ston oyster is European flat oyster (lat. Ostrea edulis), one of the most valued species of oysters in the world. It has a Protected Designation of Origin mark and it is inscribed into EU Geographical Indications Register.

Mali Ston Bay

Mali Ston Bay

Mali Ston Bay, a protected special marine reserve, as well as centuries long tradition and expertise of breeding oysters.

Oyster Tasting And Oyster Farm Visits

Oyster Tasting And Oyster Farm Visits

Pair it with a glass of well-chilled sparkling wine or "Pošip" (local white) for an unforgettable experience!

Mali Ston Oyster

Mali Ston Oyster

Mali Ston oyster is European flat oyster (lat. Ostrea edulis), one of the most valued species of oysters in the world.

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Welcome to Oyster Kingdom

Hidden between the Pelješac peninsula and mainland, waiting for real lovers of historical tradition, pristine nature and superb cuisine to discover it.

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